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Industries and Services
All Industries
Real Estate
Oil and Gas
Mining and Handling
Industry and Environment
Project finance (PF)
International financing
Bank guarantee (BG)
International bank loans
Stand-by Letter of Credit (SBLC)
Financial engineering
Investment banking (IB)
Long-term loan
Structured finance
Financial consulting
Debt funding
Investment and construction engineering
Mezzanine financing
Corporate refinancing
Reduction and minimization of project financing costs
Attraction of investments and bank loans
Financial modeling
Investment engineering
Investment audit
Investment financing
Investment lending
Documentary credit (L / C, DLC)
Financing public-private partnership (PPP) projects
Securitization: refinancing and funding optimization
Loan financing
Commercial and industrial (C&I) loan
Waste processing plants and incinerators: lending and financing
Automotive plants: loans and lending
Slag, gypsum and coal handling systems: lending and project finance
Sugar refinery: financing and lending
Compound feed plants: lending and project finance
Equipment for seaports and terminals: loans and financing
Seaports: loans and project finance
Wastewater treatment for factories and power plants: loans and financing
Steel mills: financing and loans
Monitoring systems for industrial plants: loans and financing
Waste recycling plants: lending and financing
Slag, gypsum and coal handling systems: lending and project finance
Mineral fertilizer plant: loans and financing
Financing mining projects
Financing the modernization and purchase of equipment for metallurgical plants
Coke and sulfur handling systems in refineries
Refineries: lending and financing
Gas compressors for LNG plants: loans and financing
LNG regasification terminals: lending and financing
Compressor stations of main gas pipelines: financing and loans
Liquefied natural gas plant: lending and financing
Financing biomass energy projects
Combined cycle power plants (CCPP)
Gas turbine power plants (GTPP)
Solar photovoltaic power plants (PV)
Onshore wind farms: financing and construction
Solar thermal power plants (STPP)
Hydroelectric power plants (HPP): project finance and loans
Steam power plants (SPP)
Offshore wind farms: funding for projects
Financing biomass energy projects
Geothermal power plants
Combined cycle thermal power plants
Industrial property loans and financing
Residential property (RP): project finance
Commercial real estate (CRE): lending and financing
Hotel project funding: construction lending
Shopping center financing: construction loan
Investment project assessment
Investment strategy development
Investment consulting
Feasibility study for investment project
Offering memorandum: project funding
Due Diligence: investments and business
Cash flow management services
Project finance (PF)
International financing
Bank guarantee (BG)
International bank loans
Stand-by Letter of Credit (SBLC)
Financial engineering
Investment banking (IB)
Long-term loan
Structured finance
Financial consulting
Debt funding
Investment and construction engineering
Mezzanine financing
Corporate refinancing
Reduction and minimization of project financing costs
Attraction of investments and bank loans
Financial modeling
Investment engineering
Investment audit
Investment financing
Investment lending
Documentary credit (L / C, DLC)
Financing public-private partnership (PPP) projects
Securitization: refinancing and funding optimization
Loan financing
Commercial and industrial (C&I) loan
Investment consulting
Investment project assessment
Investment strategy development
Feasibility study for investment project
Offering memorandum: project funding
Cash flow management services
Due Diligence: investments and business
Residential property (RP): project finance
Commercial real estate (CRE): lending and financing
Hotel project funding: construction lending
Shopping center financing: construction loan
Industrial property loans and financing
Combined cycle power plants (CCPP)
Gas turbine power plants (GTPP)
Solar photovoltaic power plants (PV)
Onshore wind farms: financing and construction
Solar thermal power plants (STPP)
Hydroelectric power plants (HPP): project finance and loans
Steam power plants (SPP)
Offshore wind farms: funding for projects
Financing biomass energy projects
Geothermal power plants
Combined cycle thermal power plants
Financing biomass energy projects
Refineries: lending and financing
Gas compressors for LNG plants: loans and financing
LNG regasification terminals: lending and financing
Financing mining projects
Slag, gypsum and coal handling systems: lending and project finance
Mineral fertilizer plant: loans and financing
Financing the modernization and purchase of equipment for metallurgical plants
Coke and sulfur handling systems in refineries
Automotive plants: loans and lending
Slag, gypsum and coal handling systems: lending and project finance
Waste processing plants and incinerators: lending and financing
Compound feed plants: lending and project finance
Equipment for seaports and terminals: loans and financing
Sugar refinery: financing and lending
Wastewater treatment for factories and power plants: loans and financing
Steel mills: financing and loans
Seaports: loans and project finance
Waste recycling plants: lending and financing
Monitoring systems for industrial plants: loans and financing